People of Faith 

A series of talks on how faith formed and motivated some of our heroes. Featuring Winston Churchill,  William Wilberforce and many more. 

23.01.19 - People of Faith 202

Winston Churchill
Statesman, leader, writer, orator and soldier. He served as Prime Minister twice. He continues to inspire many but he is also a controversial, flawed figure. But what about his faith - if he even had any?

Watch Rev Mark's talk on Winston Churchill and faith.

William Wilberforce
British politician and philanthropist, Wilberforce is best known for his role in abolishing the slave trade but what about his faith? What motivated this man to bring justice so many globally. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
German Protestant theologian who was involved in a plot to overthrow Adolf Hitler which eventually led to Bonhoeffer's imprisonment and execution. Was it his faith that caused him to be involved in trying to overthrow Hitler? 

Muriel Crooke and Rosamund Bond
Two remarkable British women organised the training of the first four British guide dogs from a humble lock up garage in 1931. But was it faith that caused them to start what is today the world's largest breeder and trainer of working dogs. We will be joined by two special guests during this talk - one of whom has four legs!

The Twelve plus One
12 men responded to Jesus' call to follow him. They were Jews, uneducated 'commoners' - nobodies in the eyes of the world - who gave up everything to be followers of Christ. Jesus spent three years training these men to be leaders and apostles (which means person sent in Greek). Jesus’ plan was to eventually have the disciples take over and carry on the work He had started. But what can we learn from their faith? 

Eric Liddell
British runner who won a gold medal in the 400-metre run and a bronze in the 200 metres at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. But how did his faith lead him to be running those races and not the 100 metre race, his strongest event? The story is portrayed in the film Chariots of Fire. But what did he do after his victory that led him to be held in a Japanese camp during World War II.

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