Lent and Easter 2023
The days are getting longer which means Spring is on it's way. And, of course, that means Easter is just around the corner. Easter is the biggest Christian celebration of the year because we believe what happened that weekend some 2,000 years ago still matters today. For Christians the journey to Easter Day begins on Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day), continues with Ash Wednesday, through Lent and Holy Week. You can find out more about our Lent and Easter events and services below.
Ash Wednesday service
Wednesday 22 February | 8pm | St John's Church, Danson Lane, DA16 2BQ

Begin Lent with a service which matches the sombreness of the season and receive the imposition — or spreading — of ashes on your forehead.
Lent Discussion Group
Wednesday 1 March | 6:30pm - then every Wednesday during Lent.
This Lent we will be following along with the Church of England's Dust and Glory resources which explores how we can live well with the mess of everyday life. Dust and Glory encourages us to take a fresh look at the frustrations and failings that every day brings and, rather than pretending we can always avoid them, seek to learn from them and grow closer to God through them. We will meet each Wednesday evening to discuss the readings, reflections and challenge. You can sign up for daily emails here.
Lent Lectures
Every Saturday during Lent , starting Saturday 4 March | 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Lent Lectures are a series of talks which will explore questions about Lent and much more. Tea, coffee and cakes will be served after each lecture.
Lent in Welling
See all the Lent activities taking place in Welling this year.
Palm Sunday
Sunday 2 April - Services at 9am and 10:30am

Celebrate Jesus' triumphant return to Jerusalem with distribution of palm crosses.
Holy Week Meditations
Starts Monday 3 April - 7pm

Reflective services each evening of Holy Week leading up to Maundy Thursday.
Agape Meal
Thursday 6 April - 7:30pm - 9:00pm

A special sit down meal for Maundy Thursday. See Holy Communion with fresh eyes during this delicious Passover style meal.
Limited spaces. Book your place now.
An Hour at the Cross
Friday 7 April - 9:30am

A reflective service focusing on the events of Good Friday as told by the Bible. Service is followed by refreshments and Hot Cross Buns.
Walk of Witness
Friday 7 April -11:15am - 1:00pm
The annual Walk of Witness to Welling.
11.15am: Assemble at St Mary’s, Wickham Street
12.30/1pm approx. finish at St John’s, Danson Lane where soup will be served outdoors.
Easter Sunday
Sunday 9 April - Services at 9am and 10:30am
He is Risen! Joyful, celebration services as we are reminded that God’s love is stronger even than death.
For more information please email info@brchurch.org.uk