04/07/2020 It is a real joy to be able to welcome our community back into Bishop Ridley Church. |
30/05/2020 The activities by Bishop Ridley Church Sunday Club leaders, this week focus on Jesus' Ascension to Heaven (Acts 1: 1-11) and Pentecost (Acts 2). |
13/05/2020 This week Bishop Ridley Church Sunday Club leaders share activities about the parable Jesus told of the good shepherd. |
03/05/2020 The focus of this week's activities from Bishop Ridley Church Sunday Club leaders is Doubting Thomas. |
20/04/2020 Sunday Club leaders share resources and activities focused on The Road to Emmaus. |
12/04/2020 Some of our favourite online and live stream services |
09/04/2020 Ideas to entertain and teach our children about God and the bible. This week focused on Easter. |
06/04/2020 Our top tips for how you can help older people during the current times. |
05/04/2020 Each week, Bishop Ridley Church Sunday Club leaders put together resources to entertain and teach our children about God and the bible. |
31/03/2020 Living under ‘lock down’, we are all now looking for ways we can stay connected to one another and protect our mental health. Here's our top 10. |
23/03/2020 At Bishop Ridley, we have put together some of our favourite resources and ideas for keeping the kids entertained. |
23/03/2020 Statement from the Diocese of Rochester on why church buildings in London are closed. Bishop Ridley Church is still supporting our local community. |
17/03/2020 Following the advice of The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Bishop Ridley Church, Falconwood has suspended all services. But the church is taking up the challenge to ‘become radically different’. |
16/03/2020 You can now very easily keep up with all that's going on at church by using our website calendar.
20/06/2016 When you register to the website you will be given a username and password. When you log in to the site you will see at the top right an item called "Your Profile" where you can edit your details. |
15/06/2016 Our new website comes with an on-line Bible! Added by our new website provider ChurchInsight and powered by YouVersion. |
10/06/2016 We have a new website! What do you think? We can upload sermons for you to listen to on-line or download for later and submit them to iTunes so you can subscribe to our podcast. |